Tuesday, November 21, 2006

La Emigrante, Solecito

Prior to coming here, MBAs from other schools told me their experience ammounted to a lot of travel interrupted by a class from time to time. For better or worse that's not my experience. Seemingly each week poses something I consider an "unusal time constraint" write-off, only to find a similar "extraordinary event" the next week.

Exams to cover letters, to a Spanish exam that I passed, thanks to Ale's help with relative pronouns. I also recently learned the word cerrajero--locksmith, the hard way, spending 93 Euros for 27 seconds work to open the seat of my moto wherein lay my keys.

I can see some daylight now, which is nice. Actually life in Mediterranea allows for ample light and fresh air, as its still pretty nice weather wise--around 20 or so celcius which is something not cold farenheit.

Will certainly miss Sol when she leaves for London to move in with her boyfriend. At least Ale is staying put.


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